Tryouts 2025/26

Your Legacy Begins Here!
2017 – 2012 May 12th-14th
2011 – 2007/08 May 19th-21st


Davis Legacy Soccer Club

We know that when it comes to competitive youth soccer, you have many choices available to you throughout the greater Sacramento region. Here is some of what you get when you play for Davis Legacy:

  • All teams have professionally trained and licensed coaches, with 18 coaches holding a USSF or UEFA A or B license, the highest number in Northern California. We also provide an in-house coach education program, which includes hiring International Pro License staff to evaluate and help improve our Coaches and Directors.
  • We offer up to three teams (Red, White, and Black) in all age groups (U9 through U18/19) and we offer a U10-U19 Recreational Program and U6-U8 Developmental Academy that operates twice a year for both boys and girls.
  • We have a USL 2 and UPSL men’s team playing in the 4th tier of men’s professional soccer.  Top youth players in our older boys age groups are provided opportunities to train with and participate on the club’s USL 2 and UPSL teams.
  • We participate in the WPSL, as part of our partnership with California Storm.  Top youth players in our older girls age groups have an opportunity to train with, play against, and participate on the California Storm and California Storm II (U21) teams.
  • We are one of a select few clubs in Northern California with Elite Club National League (ECNL) status for both boys and girls, National Premier League (NPL) status, and are designated as a Players 1st Club by US Club Soccer.
  • All teams train a minimum of twice per week, with ECNL and NPL teams training a minimum of three times per week.
  • We have the best soccer complex in all of Northern California, which is dedicated for our Club’s sole use. Our fields include a dedicated championship field with bleachers, benches and a scoreboard, and seven of our 11v11 fields have lights for night games and training.  You will never be searching for a place to train or hold matches.
  • We utilize professional referees for all of our team’s games. We also utilize three referees for all U11 to U19 games.

If you desire, you can train at our complex up to 4 days per week. Our abundant and flexible training programs are designed to fit your family’s needs. Specifically, we offer:


  • Specialized keeper training for all of our team’s goalkeepers. This is free and is in addition to your team’s regular training!
  • Specialized Functional training for all of our teams. This free and is in addition to your team’s regular training!
  • Specialized skills training for all of our teams. This is free and is in addition to your team’s regular training!
  • High School Season training for older players who choose to not participate on their High School Soccer Team. This is free and is in addition to your team’s regular training!
TRYOUTS Signup (Current non Legacy Players ONLY)
Coaching Roster 25/26




*Please check back for updated schedule.

2017-2012 Birth Year  May 12th – 14th

Birth YearTryout Dates Field Number
2017 BoysMay 12, 13, 14 5:15PM- 6:30PM8
2016 BoysMay 12, 13, 14 5:15PM- 6:30PM10
2015 BoysMay 12, 13, 14 5:15PM- 6:30PM8
2014 BoysMay 12, 13, 14 5:15PM- 6:30PM11
2013 BoysMay 12, 13, 14 5:15PM- 6:30PM10
2012 BoysMay 12, 13, 14 5:15PM- 6:30PM12
2016 GirlsMay 12, 13, 14 7PM-8:15PM9
2015 GirlsMay 12, 13, 14 7PM-8:15PM11
2014 GirlsMay 12, 13, 14 7PM-8:15PM13
2013 GirlsMay 12, 13, 14 7PM-8:15PM9
2012 GirlsMay 12, 13, 14 7PM-8:15PM12
2011 GirlsMay 12, 13, 14 7PM-8:15PM13

2011-2007/08 Birth Year May 19-21st

Birth YearTryout Dates Field Number
2011 BoysMay 19, 20, 21 7pm-8:30PM9 & 10
2010 BoysMay 19, 20, 21 7pm-8:30PM9 & 10
2009 BoysMay 19, 20, 21 7pm-8:30PM8
2008/07 BoysMay 19, 20, 21 7pm-8:30PM8
2011 GirlsMay 19, 20, 21 7pm-8:30PM12 & 13
2010 GirlsMay 19, 20, 21 7pm-8:30PM12 & 13
2009 GirlsMay 19, 20, 21 7pm-8:30PM11 & 12
2008/07 GirlsMay 19, 20, 21 7pm-8:30PM11 & 12




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