Davis legacy winter academy

The Davis Legacy Soccer Winter Academy offers an 8-week skills-based program that gives boys and girls the opportunity to receive professional coaching in a positive, fun, and encouraging environment. The Academy is led by members of our very own State, National, and International licensed coaching staff that work day after day developing soccer players of all ages.

More Information

The Davis Legacy Soccer Winter Academy offers an 8-week skills-based program that gives boys and girls the opportunity to receive professional coaching in a positive, fun, and encouraging environment. The Academy is led by members of our very own State, National, and International licensed coaching staff that work day after day developing soccer players of all ages.

Dates: 12/6, 12/13, 12/20, 1/10, 1/17, 1/24 , 1/31, 2/7


6:00pm-7pm 2012/2013
7:00pm-8pm 2010/2011 

Location:  Playfields 2500 Research Park Dr, Davis, CA 95618