Staff and manager US Club and STate of CA Requirements

The State of California requires all individuals who works with kids in sports organizations to be fingerprinted and reviewed through the department of justice to ensure that anyone with a previous conviction of abuse towards minors is removed from positions that could lead to repeat offenses against minors.  In addition to the State of California requirements, US Club Soccer has implemented a robust Player Health and Safety initiative for registered staff members as part of its Players First philosophy.  Please see the link below for very detailed information from US Club Soccer:

There is a specific cost that is directly related to obtaining your US Club staff passcard and conducting your State of California fingerprinting requirements (staff passcards and fingerprinting are required for all coaches, team managers, members of the Board of Directors, and other individuals who work closely with minors).  Davis Legacy is committed to full compliance with all US Club and State of California requirements.  Davis Legacy is also committed to covering the cost of these requirements.  As such, when you go to either get your initial passcard, or renew your expiring passcard, and/or you go to get your California mandated fingerprinting please go ahead and pay the costs out of pocket (please note that your passcard will need to be renewed every two years).  Once completed, please return to this web page and enter your reimbursement request in the fields below.   You will receive your reimbursement within 30 days of submission.

If you have any questions please contact the Club Director of Administration and Finance, Justyn Howard, at: [email protected]

US Club Passcard Reimbursement Request

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